Human Coronavirus (COVID-19) Measures

Human Coronavirus (COVID-19) Measures

The health of our patients, clients, and staff is AVC’s top priority. The novel coronavirus has a very real chance of impacting us all, and we are taking the matter seriously to reduce risks of transmission at our offices.

1.  Concierge Service

CLOSED LOBBY: To further reduce the risks of unwitting disease spread, we are restricting clients from the building in most circumstances. At arrival a technician will go over your pet’s history on the phone, and then meet you in our vestibule to take your pet for examination by the doctor while you wait in your car. The doctor will go over their findings and recommendations over the phone or Google Duo, after which we will take payment for approved treatments by phone and return your pet.

We HATE how impersonal all this feels, but your safety comes first. Google Duo is a great way to still have these conversations face-to-face. Android users already have it installed , and iPhone users can download it here. Just be sure to open the App on your phone prior to your appointment so it can register your phone number for use.

2.  If You Are Ill

Especially if you are having respiratory signs such as coughing and sneezing, either have someone else bring your pet for appointments or reschedule wellness appointments or elective procedures.

If both you and your pet are unwell, and are unable to arrange someone else to bring your pet for a medically necessary appointment, notify our staff clearly of your own status and we will attempt to make accommodations if possible.

3.  Reduced Appointment Availability

Effective immediately, we are reducing the total number of daily appointments. We will also be restricting the number of daily appointments available for wellness/non-emergent issues to insure that sick patients are prioritized. All non-essential grooming services such as nail trims will be discontinued until further notice. This will give us more time to clean and disinfect between appointments, and reduce intra-client contact in our lobby. Any inconveniences caused by this are unfortunate, but worth the benefits to our clients and staff.

4.  Reduced Jeffersonville Hours

We have refocused New Albany to be our primary office and are available there Monday-Friday.  The larger location allows better social distancing practices, and concentrating our staff allows more thorough cleaning and reduces the likelihood of staffing shortfalls. Jeffersonville is open Monday, Thursday and Friday; We anticipate adding Wednesday hours again in the near future.

Until further notice we will be closed Saturday and Sunday at both locations. These changes allow us to better focus our efforts and staff so we can ensure the quality care you expect while attending to safety protocols. We look forward to getting back to normal availability at both locations as soon as possible and appreciate your patience in the meantime.

5.  A few other things to consider:

  • While puppies and kittens should stick to their schedules if possible, if their vaccine series needs delayed the risks are very low as long as you keep them, and your family, away from areas that may have been visited by unvaccinated animals.
  • Adult wellness visits are very important for many reasons, but putting them off for a couple of weeks is perfectly safe and reasonable.
  • Up-to-date information, as well as general tips for reducing risks for your family, are available on our website at